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Here (at the foot of this item) is the latest copy of our Community Emergency Plan. It contains all the links and contacts you may need in case of a community emergency. We have also provided (below) other useful links and contacts for emergency situations.
To report high or over flowing rivers contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807 7060. Flooded roads should be reported to the county council or the Highways Agency if its a major road. Flooding from sewers should be reported to Anglian Water.
If you need advice regarding housing, waste clearing or street cleansing, please call 0333 016 2000 during normal working hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm).
If you are faced with an emergency situation outside of working hours, including the weekend, which requires an immediate East Suffolk Council response, please call the out of hours number: 0800 440 2516. Please do not call this number during normal working hours as it is diverted to other services, and ONLY call in the case of an emergency (such as further flooding or homelessness).
If your home is inhabitable due to flooding, contact the Housing Team at East Suffolk Council on 0333 016 2000 (available out of hours too).
If your property has been affected by flood water, you can contact East Suffolk Services 0333 016 2000 (including out of hours) to request their assistance to remove damaged items, to clean, sweep away sewage and detritus. Please remember to check with your insurance provider BEFORE disposing of items.
You can find out more information about road closures by visiting https://one.network/
You can also get the latest information by following Suffolk Highways on X (formally Twitter)@Suff_Highways
Fallen or overhanging trees
Report a fallen or overhanging tree or hedge in Suffolk quickly and easily online. Link to Highways Reporting Tool. Please see below and follow the correct method to report by telephone.
it poses an immediate danger to public safety - call 0345 606 6171
on a trunk road in Suffolk - call the Highways England Information Line on 0300 123 5000
School closures
Decisions about whether schools close are made by the schools themselves. Please check with your school directly, they should be able to give you more information.
You can also check school closures on suffolk.gov.uk.
Power cuts
For help about power cuts - call 105 or go to www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/power-cut
Suffolk Prepared
Find out more information on how you can plan ahead to deal with emergency situations from the Suffolk Resilience Forum.
Six things you can do to prepare for an emergency (https://suffolkprepared.co.uk/get-prepared/prepare-yourself/)